Bluefish > Bluefish Lures > Bluefish Products
Fisherman's Line knows that when looking for bluefish lures, you need a strong saltwater bluefish lure that will stand up when attacked by this eating machine. Our bluefish lure selection is designed to get you into the fight and win. Bluefish lures must be made to withstand attack after attack, and that's just the reason we have selected our line of quality bluefish lures.
B & D Pencil Popper Plugs
B & D Bottle Popper Plugs
These "floating" plugs are made of high impact plastic around a stainless steel insert that runs the length of the lure. We also use stainless steel split rings and "VMF" saltwater grade hooks, and these plugs have molded-in rattles. Because of their durability and ability to withstand assaults from toothy game fish, they have become a favorite for many sport fishermen who hunt those "monster" bluefish. B & D Pencil Popper plugs are also great for striped bass!
B & D Pencil Popper Plugs
B & D Bottle Popper Plugs
Robert's Lures are great for Bluefish, Striped Bass, Roosterfish, and Jacks. Use from the surf (designed for longcast) or from a boat (trolling or deep trolling with down rigger).
This product is named Whistler because it launches so fast on a typical cast, it creates an audible whistle. Consider the Whistler as a part of your lure selection for those times when the fish are on that offshore bar or otherwise beyond normal casting range. The Whistler is 4 ¼ inches long and uses a Mustad 7/0 hook.
Robert's Lures are great for Bluefish, Striped Bass, Roosterfish, and Jacks. Use from the surf (designed for longcast) or from a boat (trolling or deep trolling with down rigger).
Robert's Lures are great for Bluefish, Striped Bass, Roosterfish, and Jacks. Use from the surf (designed for longcast) or from a boat (trolling or deep trolling with down rigger).
The Gibbs Pencil Popper sports a sleek, tapered design with a slightly weighted tail to help increase casting distance in heavy winds. The most effective retrieve is to point the rod tip at the plug and induce some rapid up-and-down tip action. Do this not violently, but steady, at the same time reel slowly to make plug dance from side-to-side on the surface. This plug really drives bass and bluefish crazy. The Gibbs Pencil Popper is made using stainless steel thru wire construction, top quality terminal tackle, and Mustad treble hooks.